I like my stuff.

I’m attached to my stuff.

I need my stuff.


My place is small.  I knew it was time to get things in order but feared this would mean getting rid of things I have deep connection with.

It was a job too big for me.


I looked up professional organisers.  I found four different services who specialise in organising and sorting – decluttering.  I was confused.  When I was introduced to them all I heard was that I had a lot of rubbish that needed to be got rid of – “I will be able to clear this mess in no time.”  These were not the exact words, but this was what I heard and the emphasis on “them” doing the sort.  I didn’t feel there was a space for me.

Final try.  Tracey Warren – Professional Organising Solutions.

I met Tracey.  The message I got from her was that we will WORK TOGETHER.  WE can sort through everything – IT’S YOUR PLACE, YOUR STUFF, YOUR DECISION.

I felt the COMPASSION, DEDICATION and COMMITMENT from the very beginning.  There was no JUDGEMENT.

When Tracey began it was like entering into a PARTNERSHIP.  I had a lot of stuff.  There was a lot of clutter.  Tracey’s CALM, WARM, SYSTEMATIC DEMEANOUR made what I visualised was going to set off my chaos within into an adventure of rediscovery and awakened my POWER WITHIN TO CHOOSE.

Tracey’s ability to tune in to her client’s energy levels and know when to rest and when to stop helped maintain a positive flow to this task of AWAKENING AND RECLAIMING THE LIVING SPACE AROUND ME.  Thank you.